Soul Journey

Going Down Deep

Whatever void we seek to fill, is only satisfied within. Wild Spirit Soul Healing When I finally looked deep within, I was filled with adopted beliefs, the world’s preconceived dreams for me, and tiny fragments of who I knew myself to be. I pulled myself out of the illusion and went deeper, down to the […]

Soul Journey

Each Soul; Each Tree

Dear Beautiful Mobile Users, you may need to access this audio by clicking the top audio option. Credit to Kim Krans, author of The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck & Guidebook, for her thought provoking entry on Anima Mundi, that inspired this audio post. Kim Krans eloquently states, “You will sense yourself as a critical note […]

Heart Healing

The Power Of A Tear

“One tear can unlock a waterfall of trapped emotions. It can reveal a hidden message not previously understood. Imagine if we welcomed our tears, how many hearts may be understood; how many relationships may be saved! Imagine Mother Nature’s tears, they have the power to bring new life to an entire garden. Perhaps just one […]

Unconditional Love

The Empathetic Soul

Dear Empathetic Soul, You have ears on your heart. You hear the slightest cry of the weak; the silent scream of those in fear. You sense another’s hidden intentions. Some will not understand your deeply feeling soul; some will be afraid. May you know your soul’s inherent value. Take solace dear one that your love […]

Soul Journey

Where did I go?

“Dear Beautiful Souls, Please forgive my absence. Please forgive my lack of answers, the inability to express myself, the blank stares, and the urgent need to go to a quiet and unknown landscape. It was in this place of knowing no souls, that I could do the necessary work on my own. For it needed […]