...your Soul awaits
brown and white owl in close up photography
Soul Journey


Through each experience we encounter in this glorious life, we are blessed with pieces of the puzzle that lead us to solve the riddle of why we are here. Each struggle presents itself as a key to help us unravel the fray of confusion and habits that have distracted us from answering this query.

Within the deepest pains, injustices, and wounds, our purpose awaits; our gifts sit ready for our commitment.

Through shadow analysis and a devoted study of Chironic wounds, I ultimately discovered that my soul had unknowingly sought all of these situations and people in my life to restore my spiritual sight.

The dichotomy of dark and light, pain and joy, and fear and love, bring forth what cannot be seen without the other; such a gift are these extremes that when integrated, birth ultimate harmony.

By accepting all as it is, all as it has played out, and by honoring all that will be, we are blessed with an unblemished clarity.

This surrender includes compassion of self and all who had participated in any suffering, whether intended or not; in fact, this requires an utter love for each soul.

I was guided to view myself and others through the telescope of the inner child and to gaze upon the beauty of their unstained souls, then was forced to witness the wounds that were inflicted upon them.

It was here, that I encountered the rapture of divine love.

In being granted this vision of another soul’s deepest pain, I was blessed with truth; the truth that we are all connected as perpetrator and victim, predator and prey, parent and child, king and serf. There is no separation, so responsibility waits for no one; it simply demands awareness in presence and healing.

Here, we are shown the landscape of our soul, the most high treasure that is ours to carry along the path.

Awaken your ancient memory, remain steadfast in your loyalty to the promise you made before you arrived into this awakening.

Beware that we may seek every opportunity to avoid this study of our archives, yet it is only in the understanding of our deepest, darkest mysteries that the un-concealing is accomplished.

Once I sat with my haunting reality and that of my ancestors, I acknowledged that my desire for justice does not lie in the external; rather it is propagated through the astounding alchemy of unimaginable pain into gifts for humanity, inspired by the flame of forgiveness igniting the greatest love I have ever known.

To prepare for the world’s disclosure of all that is hidden, we must face our own veritas while nurturing the vulnerability of our wounded threads. Thereby we can see the pure inner child of each soul, as we come together in one cosmic garment.

Perhaps the only way to cleanse the collective blood is through the warrior’s blade of forgiveness, which requires an immeasurable heart born out of wisdom and strength gained through our darkest hours.

Aletheia is the rawness of what is; all that is needed to unearth it is love.

The shedding of ancestral blood has bequeathed us with immense protection, so we are now free to offer our hearts to the world. Be not afraid, set down your burden, and be the gift you are called to be.

~message from my Mother

Photo: Honoring my mother’s inner child.

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