
Shadow To Shine

On my quest for truth, I caught myself concealing a deep hidden hurt. As many of you know, it is Leo season and it is an optimal time to be shining our truest selves. Something has been holding me back and no surprise, it is myself! I found myself apologizing for something I believe in […]


Longing For Truth

In my mare’s eyes, I see a fire of desire that she longs to express. Her eyes told me that my deepest emotions need to be set free. Through her gaze, I saw a locked box within my own heart that I previously told myself I should not open. I was so focused on unconditionally […]



I believe we are all one and we are here to bring love and light to others, yet it seems there are times we have given our energy to those who need more. This “more” is themselves. I believe we all need ourselves at this very moment. These ties that are holding us to others […]